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Assessing implementation of the Voluntary Tenure Guidelines and the AU Framework and Guidelines for Land Policy: A toolkit approach

Access to and control over land and natural resources is crucial to people’s livelihoods and to ensuring secure livelihoods, their rights to food, water, work, housing and a healthy environment


ActionAid’s approach to youth programming: A fundamental force for development

ActionAid’s experience of strengthening youth participation across the programme cycle in seven countries, using a specialised Youth Programming Toolkit, draws upon the organisation’s long-standing


Don’t COP Out! Compensate for Climate Chaos

Success at the upcoming 17th Conference of Parties (COP 17) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Durban, South Africa, in large part depends on the willingness of


The Human Costs of the Food Crisis: How Price Spikes are Wreaking Havoc Across the Globe

ActionAid’s new research finds that as the world faces an unprecedented cost of living crisis, local communities in the Global South are dealing with the consequences of severe price rises in food


Taxation rights slipping through the cracks: How developing countries can get a better deal on their tax treaties

Tax treaties prescribe how countries can tax cross-border activities between the treaty partners. In the overwhelming majority of cases, they are outdated and unfair. In the form that they commonly

Manganese Matters

ActionAid and Dutch NGO Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO)’s new report, Manganese Matters, finds that the increased demand for manganese for batteries is posing a serious threat


AidWatch 2014: Aid beyond 2015

Key messages and findings:Aid quantity:Despite growing humanitarian and development challenges, such as the recent Ebola outbreak in West Africa, EU aid is off track to meet the 0.7% aid target in


Fair shares: is CAADP working?

ActionAid, African Union Commission and ONE Campaign held a high level panel discussion as part of the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the founding of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU).  The


A call for action to ensure strong regulation of the financial sector to avoid environmental, social and governance risks

Across Africa, Latin America and Asia families are being forced off their land and rainforests razed to the ground – for projects backed by European money.Companies looking for land to grow crops for