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Opinion /

Bangladesh Floods: "It will take years to recover and flood-proof our communities"

A severe humanitarian disaster nearly 5,000 miles away in my country in South Asia has gone virtually unnoticed in the news despite over 50 people now losing their lives.

Publication /

NGO snapshot report highlights latest aid challenges in Gaza amid growing safety risks

Humanitarian workers in Gaza have continued to face severe safety risks and huge challenges in delivering aid over the last two weeks as the Polio vaccination campaign gets underway, report NGOs in

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ActionAid reacts to the adoption of a resolution at the UN General Assembly

ActionAid said: “We are pleased to see the UN General Assembly back this historic resolution, which welcomes the International Court of Justice’s advisory opinion. In doing so, its members have

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Lebanon: “Window to prevent humanitarian crisis closing rapidly”

LEBANON: “Window to prevent humanitarian crisis closing rapidly”

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ActionAid partners forced to suspend operations in Lebanon following Israeli attacks

ActionAid partners forced to suspend operations in Lebanon following Israeli attacks

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LEBANON: Night of intense attacks on Beirut leaves children and families in state of “extreme stress and panic”

LEBANON: Night of intense attacks on Beirut leaves children and families in state of “extreme stress and panic”