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Busan 1st draft outcome

 First draft outcome document for the Fourth High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, Busan 


Panel discussion - Towards comprehensive resilience

On 23rd June 2011, ActionAid and VOICE (Voluntary Organisations in Cooperation in Emergencies) hosted a panel discussion entitled From Disaster Risk Reduction to Comprehensive Resilience - Towards a


Disaster Risk Reduction in Pakistan - the contribution of DEC member agencies 2010-2012

When floods swept large parts of Pakistan in 2010, an estimated 20 million people were affected.  Besides the slow response, the absence of comprehensive Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and preparedness


ActionAid/infoasaid learning review of the pilot communications project in Isiolo

As part of a wider partnership aimed at supporting integration and mainstreaming of communications with disaster affected communities in ActionAid’s emergency preparedness and response programming


Alps 2011 – Accountability, Learning and Planning System

Alps is a framework that sets out the key accountability requirements, guidelines, and processes in ActionAid International. Not only in terms of organisational processes for planning, monitoring


ActionAid’s Accident and Travel Insurance Policy (Summary)

This document answers most queries about ActionAid’s travel insurance. Our travel insurance cover is only effective where the trip is primarily taken for ActionAid business. The main benefits and


ActionAid’s Anti Sexual Harassment Policy

ActionAid has articulated through Fighting Poverty Together and its Gender Policy a strong stand on gender justice and through this policy seeks to create a work environment free from intimidation and


ActionAid’s Brand Guidelines – Part 1

Our identity provides us with effective tools with which to communicate to our many audiences.  As everything we do speaks about us and what we stand for, it is essential that our identity is


ActionAid’s Brand Guidelines – Part 2

Our identity provides us with effective tools with which to communicate to our many audiences. As everything we do speaks about us and what we stand for, it is essential that our identity is


ActionAid’s Brand Guidelines – Part 3

Our identity provides us with effective tools with which to communicate to our many audiences.
As everything we do speaks about us and what we stand for, it is essential that our identity is