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Invisible women: A gender analysis of climate-induced migration in South Asia

New research exposes how women and children are disproportionally affected by climate migration, which puts them at greater risk of gender-based violence, child labour and exploitation.

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Participation of local and international civil society in the Beirut Port blast response

This policy brief analyses the intervention in the immediate aftermath of the Beirut Port blast, drawing on the experiences of civil society organisations, humanitarian workers and women affected by

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As Israeli attacks on Gaza intensify, 13 leading INGOs disclose details of aid obstruction impeding their humanitarian operations

In the past weeks, the Israeli military operation in the Gaza Strip has dramatically escalated, driving the enclave into even deeper levels of devastation.

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Humanitarian aid access remains severely impeded in Gaza as polio threat looms, new snapshot reveals  

The latest snapshot report by ActionAid and other humanitarian organisations working in Gaza reveals that aid access in the territory remains severely impeded, as the threat of polio looms.

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New displacement orders in Gaza push humanitarian response to the brink of collapse 

INGOs have expressed severe concern today over the potential collapse of the humanitarian response in Gaza, which would leave millions of civilians without aid. 

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NGO snapshot report highlights latest aid challenges in Gaza amid growing safety risks

Humanitarian workers in Gaza have continued to face severe safety risks and huge challenges in delivering aid over the last two weeks as the Polio vaccination campaign gets underway, report NGOs in