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Missed opportunities: the case for strengthening national and local partnership-based humanitarian responses

At the present time, partnerships between international humanitarian actors and national and local actors do not achieve their full potential to enhance humanitarian performance.  Continuing to miss


Assessment report of the rehabilitation and reintegration of Rana Plaza victims

Six months after the world's worst garment factory disaster, the victims are still awaiting compensation and suffering physical and psychological injuries.  ActionAid surveyed almost two thirds of the


Tackling the climate reality: A framework for establishing an international mechanism to address loss and damage at COP19

This report is the fourth in a series of collaborations between ActionAid International, CARE International and WWF International.We have come together as organisations concerned about the lack of


What constitutes agriculture spending?

Public spending on agriculture in Africa is critical to promoting economic growth and the reduction of poverty. GDP growth originating in agriculture is much more effective in reducing poverty than


Time to Clean Up: How Barclays promotes the use of tax havens in Africa

Barclays bank is now reported to be the largest retail bank in Africa and is the largest UK bank operating on the continent. This puts it in a position of responsibility with regard to the way it


Walking the talk: Why and how African governments should transform their agriculture spending.

In 2003, the Maputo Declaration of the African Union stated that, within five years, 10 per cent of the budgets of member states would be dedicated to agriculture. Ten years on, despite spending


In memory of Nirbhaya: one year on from the Delhi bus rape has anything changed?

The case of 23-year-old Jyoti Singh – known as “Nirbhaya” or “the fearless one”– who was brutally raped on a moving bus in Delhi on December 16, 2012 and died of her injuries 13 days later, provoked

Publication /

Stop Violence Against Girls in School

A lack of knowledge about violence against girls has hindered efforts to stop it. ActionAid’s 2013 Stop Violence Against Girls in School report is one of the first comprehensive studies to provide


ActionAid International Remuneration & Benefits Policy

This policy governs staff who work for the International Secretariat (IS) and whose contracts are administered by the IS Human Resources Team in Johannesburg, South Africa. For all other IS staff