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Harnessing Synergies - mainstreaming climate change adaptation in disaster risk reduction programmes and policies

Across the globe, practitioners and policy makers are increasingly recognising the importance of bringing together disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA).  But how can you


Cornerstones of ActionAid's approach to Disaster Risk Reduction through Schools

Six one page briefs outlining the key aspects of ActionAid's approach to Disaster Risk Reduction through schools.  The briefs come from ActionAid's DFID-funded Disaster Risk Reduction through Schools


Food Policy Update from Rome- Issue 4, Apr 2011

Food Policy Updates from Rome aims to provide an up-to-date information on the global food governance system and strategic activities of ActionAid.


Boosting Non State Actor participation in CAADP

This is a presentation given by Buba Khan, ActionAid International's Africa Right to Food Coordinator, at the 7th CAADP Partnership Platform on 24 March 2011 in Yaounde, Cameroon.


Food Policy Update from Rome - Issue 3, Mar 2011

Food Policy Updates from Rome aims to provide an up-to-date information on the global food governance system and strategic activities of ActionAid.


Disaster Risk Reduction NGO inter-agency group learning review

Through its Conflict and Humanitarian Fund, the UK Department for International Development (DFID) funded five major NGOs – ActionAid, Christian Aid, Practical Action, Plan and Tearfund in 2005 to


What Women Farmers Need: A blueprint for action

This package is a tool for civil society activists - community-based organizations, women’s movements, non-governmental organizations - who want to advocate for the rights of women smallholder farmers


ALPS - Accountability, Learning and Planning System

Alps is a framework that sets out the key accountability requirements,guidelines, and processes in ActionAid International.Not only in terms of organisational processes for planning, monitoring


Food Policy Update from Rome - Issue 2, Feb 2011

Food Policy Updates from Rome aims to provide an up-to-date information on the global food governance system and strategic activities of ActionAid.