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Civilians are not pawns in war games and must be protected

Civilians are not pawns in war games and must be protected, ActionAid says, as staff member loses their home in Gaza bombing


ActionAid Country Directors in Africa call for an end to debt distress

The IMF and World Bank Annual Meetings are taking place in Africa for the first time in 50 years. The last such meeting was held in Kenya in 1973, coincidentally the year of the military coup against

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Opening of safe humanitarian corridors and de-escalation of hostilities, crucial to alleviate suffering of millions in Gaza, says ActionAid

As the escalation of hostilities continues unabated in Gaza, ActionAid is concerned at the intensified humanitarian situation, where over two million people are facing a humanitarian crisis. The siege

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People living in fear as humanitarian crisis deepens in Gaza, says ActionAid

With Gaza now completely cut off from food, electricity, water and fuel, ActionAid is alarmed at the rapidly escalating humanitarian crisis which is affecting the lives of over two million people.

IMF meetings are a chance to address harmful austerity and debt policies says ActionAid 

The International Monetary Fund and World Bank Annual meetings in Morocco are a chance to address harmful austerity and debt policies that have left millions in poverty on the African continent, says

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ActionAid’s reaction to the escalation in violence on the Israel-Gaza border

ActionAid’s reaction to the escalation in violence on the Israel-Gaza border


It’s dangerous to pin our climate hopes on CCS, says ActionAid expert as IEA launches report

As the IEA report shows, carbon capture and storage (CCS) has consistently failed to achieve any of its overblown promises, despite the billions of dollars invested over decades. It’s dangerous to pin


Climate Ambition Summit an opportunity to take bold climate crisis decisions, say ActionAid climate experts

At the start of New York Climate Week, and on the eve of the UN Secretary General’s Climate Ambition Summit, to be held on Wednesday 20th September in New York, ActionAid’s climate experts share their


Families in hard-to-reach Atlas Mountain communities receive urgent humanitarian assistance from ActionAid and partners

ActionAid is partnering with local organisation, Enterprise Sociale Maroc, to distribute supplies to affected persons in one of the severely hit areas. The communities of Ait Lkak and Idjhya in the


ActionAid reacts to earthquake in Morocco – calling for support to affected regions

ActionAid is deeply saddened by news of the earthquake that hit Morocco on Friday 8 September 2023, affecting the provinces and cities of Al Haouz, Marrakesh, Taroudant, Chichaoua, and Ouarzazate, and