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ActionAid statement on attacks in Rafah

“We are appalled by last night's heavy bombardment on Rafah, which reportedly killed at least 67 people, including women and children.

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Insufficient aid will lead to more innocent deaths in Gaza, says ActionAid

Trucks carrying food, water and medical supplies are preparing to enter Gaza through the Rafah crossing on Friday. However, the limited aid supplies


What can we expect from the new European Parliament and EU leadership?

Newly elected MEPs will begin their legislative term for 2024-2029, with the far-right gaining influence but failing to form a majority, while the former pro-EU majority remains intact despite losses


NGOs sue the Danish state to stop arms exports to Israel

Oxfam Denmark, Amnesty International Denmark, Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke (Action Aid Denmark) and
the Palestinian human rights organization Al-Haq are suing the Danish National Police and the Ministry


Greece: Transfer refugees and asylum seekers to safety

Following the fire in Moria, on Lesbos, which destroyed the Reception and Identification Centre, 31 civil society organisations, including ActionAid Hellas, call on the Greek government to immediately


Women lead ActionAid’s response to Covid-19 crisis

As the coronavirus crisis continues to escalate globally and hits some of the world’s poorest countries, women are leading ActionAid’s fight to protect the most marginalised during the pandemic.

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Ancient tradition of olive harvesting under attack in West Bank

While the eyes of the world focus on the horrifying humanitarian situation in Gaza, human rights abuses against the almost three million Palestinians living in the Occupied West Bank are on the rise


Women and children at risk as Bangladesh floods cause severe water, food crisis, ActionAid says

Reacting to the flooding of rivers in Bangladesh that has affected more than 3 million people, especially women and girls,

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Essential aid including food and medical supplies prevented from entering Gaza, as 2.3 million people face starvation and disease 

Confusing and arbitrary rules about the type of aid permitted to enter Gaza is resulting in thousands of essential items being stopped at border crossings and prevented from reaching those who

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ActionAid responds to IPC report on food insecurity in Gaza: “It is inconceivable that Gaza remains at high risk of famine”

In response to the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) report on food insecurity in Gaza published today, ActionAid said: