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Climate change, urban flooding and the rights of the urban poor in Africa

This report examines the impact of climate change on urban communities in six African cities, and looks at how people are coping with and adapting to increasingly frequent and severe episodes of


People-centred governance - Reducing disaster for poor and excluded people

This briefing paper, produced ahead of the World Conference on Disaster Reduction, held in Japan in January 2005, outlines eight key strategies of people-centred governance and links these to the


Food Policy Update from Rome - Issue 10, Dec 2011

Food Policy Updates from Rome aims to provide an up-to-date information on the global food governance system and strategic activities of ActionAid and IFSN.


Food Policy Update from Rome - Issue 11, Feb 2012

Food Policy Updates from Rome aims to provide an up-to-date information on the global food governance system and strategic activities of ActionAid.


Rebuilding Lives; reflections on the experiences of disaster-affected poor people

Rebuilding Lives draws primarily from People’s Reports on violence against women; disaster risk reduction; land rights and adequate housing; and fisheries-based livelihoods in the response to the


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What Works for Women: Proven approaches for empowering women smallholders and achieving food security

What changes do we need to empower women smallholders and achieve food security? This question has been asked repeatedly over the past several decades, but transformative changes in both public policy