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"It feels like we’re counting the days until we die here”: Bangladesh floods leave more than half a million stranded

Almost half a million people have been forced to seek refuge in schools and temporary shelters in Bangladesh

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“There are raids on homes, bombing of homes, and the destruction of infrastructure”: West Bank refugee camp residents under siege and in fear as major Israeli military incursion continues 

Women living in refugee camps in the West Bank have described being under siege and in fear as a major military incursion in the territory continues.


EU should adopt a human rights-based approach to migrants forced out of their countries by the climate crisis, ActionAid says

The European Union needs to strengthen protection policies for people moving in response to disasters, climate change, and environmental degradation, ActionAid has said.

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ActionAid reacts to the announcement of humanitarian pauses in Gaza to allow children to be vaccinated against polio

Responding to the announcement of a series of humanitarian pauses

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New displacement orders in Gaza push humanitarian response to the brink of collapse 

INGOs have expressed severe concern today over the potential collapse of the humanitarian response in Gaza, which would leave millions of civilians without aid. 


Who we are

ActionAid is a global federation working to achieve social justice and gender equality, and to eradicate poverty.

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15 aid organisations demand an end to systematic aid obstruction in Gaza

15 aid organisations demand an end to systematic aid obstruction in Gaza


The industries fuelling the climate crisis are draining public funds in the Global South, new ActionAid report reveals

Climate-harming corporations are draining public finances in the Global South.

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“I don’t want to live in my school. I want to learn in it”: Gaza’s schoolchildren desperate to return to classes after almost a year without formal education

Today should mark the beginning of a new school year in Gaza, but instead of attending classes, Gaza’s children are living through another day of a brutal war that has deprived them of an education

Opinion /

Bangladesh Floods: "It will take years to recover and flood-proof our communities"

A severe humanitarian disaster nearly 5,000 miles away in my country in South Asia has gone virtually unnoticed in the news despite over 50 people now losing their lives.