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Rise in injured patients arriving at Al-Awda Hospital following Gaza City attacks, as facility faces urgent need for medical supplies and fuel 

Staff at Al-Awda Hospital in northern Gaza say they have received an influx of injured patients from Gaza City in recent days since the Israeli military ramped up its attacks on the area.


The post-2025 Climate Finance Goal: why the next expert dialogue must address the issue of debt - Public consultation response

Countries in the global south are disproportionately impacted by climate change. Yet the existing global climate finance goal of US$100 billion per year has never been met. And, according to the OECD

Terrible warning that climate action has to move into a much higher gear, says ActionAid

Reacting to new data by Copernicus Climate Change Service that revealed that average global temperatures have been 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels for a year,

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Gaza's acute hunger crisis is extremely alarming, says ActionAid

ActionAid said: “We remain extremely alarmed about the acute hunger crisis in Gaza

ActionAid comments on the decision to make the Philippines host of the Loss and Damage Board

The second meeting of the Loss & Damage Fund Board started in Songdo, Korea today.

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NGOs Rally at the EU Council: Lack of Political Action Prolongs Humanitarian Catastrophe in Gaza

A powerful display of 290 red balloons, symbolising 290 days of relentless conflict in Gaza


Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza: New Report Highlights Catastrophic Conditions and Aid Delivery Challenges

Gaza City, Gaza Strip — 30 July 2024 — The latest humanitarian snapshot report from NGOs operating in Gaza has revealed dire conditions and overwhelming obstacles impeding aid efforts in the region

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European Investment Bank supports climate-harmful industrial agriculture projects in the Global South, report finds

European Investment Bank supports climate-harmful industrial agriculture projects in the Global South, report finds

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As Israeli attacks on Gaza intensify, 13 leading INGOs disclose details of aid obstruction impeding their humanitarian operations

In the past weeks, the Israeli military operation in the Gaza Strip has dramatically escalated, driving the enclave into even deeper levels of devastation.

ActionAid International Uganda Condemns the Arrest of Peaceful Anticorruption Demonstrators

ActionAid International Uganda is dismayed by the highhanded, brutal and unlawful arrest of peaceful and largely youthful anticorruption demonstrators yesterday Tuesday, 23rd July 2024.