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Safety with dignity

This manual provides practical guidance for NGO field staff across a wide range of sectors on how to integrate a community-based protection approach into programmes


Women's Development Country Report - Nepal

Find out how your money was spent in 2011. Read the Country Report on Women's Development from Nepal - December 2011 


Education Rights - A guide for practioners and activists

This resource pack draws on learning and experience from work in education by ActionAid, our partners, and coalitions of which we are part, over the last thirty years.  We have drawn together this


Harnessing Synergies - mainstreaming climate change adaptation in disaster risk reduction programmes and policies

Across the globe, practitioners and policy makers are increasingly recognising the importance of bringing together disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA).  But how can you


Building for the future - homes and security in Haiti 1 year on

 Based upon interviews with earthquake survivors living in camps, community and NGO representatives, institutional officials, ActionAid policy and programme staff and desk research, this report


The rights-based approach to emergencies - a beginner's guide

This briefing gives an overview of a rights-based approach to emergencies - what it means and how it works.  The briefing is framed around two key concepts central to ActionAid's work:  a) that


TEGINT Methodology Toolkit: Contents and Introduction

This secition must be used in conjuction with the six TEGINT toolkits.


Who's Really Fighting Hunger - Report

A new ActionAid report has revealed that hunger could be costing poor nations $450 billion a year - more than ten times the amount needed to halve hunger by 2015 and meet Millennium Development Goal


ActionAid's 10 Point Action Plan to End Hunger

Read ActionAid's 10 point action plan to end hunger and join our HungerFREE campaign.


TEGINT methodology toolkit: Working with Girls

This booklet contains activities designed for work with Girls' Clubs in schools in order to:

empower girls to reaslise their self worth beyond the limits of societal definition;
build their