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Earthquake survivors see huge spikes in food prices - urgent funding is needed in Syria to help to replenish food stocks  

Spikes in food prices in north-west Syria are leaving earthquake survivors in further need of humanitarian assistance. There are reports of shortages of food items including wheat flour and

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Communities facing double catastrophe as another earthquake hits the Turkey-Syria border, reports ActionAid 

ActionAid is devastated to hear the news of a second powerful earthquake hitting the Turkey-Syria border. The earthquake measured 6.4 on the Richter scale and is likely to cause further untold damage

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Turkey Syria earthquake: ActionAid hires in rescue equipment as death toll surpasses 11,000 and day three comes to a close  

In a race against time to save people trapped under the rubble after a 7.8-magnitude earthquake early Monday morning, humanitarian organisation ActionAid is hiring rescue equipment to assist with

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Ukraine: one year on

It’s been a year since the Ukraine conflict started with around 12 million people have been forced to flee their homes in Ukraine. By mid-December 2022, at least 5,9 million people were estimated to

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Double tragedy for Syrian refugees with women and girls bearing the brunt of the earthquakes

ActionAid reports that the Turkey-Syria earthquakes have exacerbated the suffering of Syrian women who survived years of conflict, only to lose their temporary homes, neighbours and loved ones as well

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IPC’s imminent famine announcement a “grim milestone for millions of Palestinians” and a “stain on humanity’s conscience”

In response to the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) report forecasting imminent famine in northern Gaza, ActionAid has denounced the announcement as a "stain on humanity’s

“Increasingly difficult to bridge the divide”: ActionAid reflects on six months into the humanitarian response to Ukraine crisis

Six months since Russia invaded Ukraine, five of ActionAid’s humanitarian aid workers reflect on their experiences working with refugees in and around Ukraine.
Protection for women and children

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New crossing points and ‘floating dock’ are cosmetic changes, as humanitarian access disintegrates in Gaza, warn aid agencies

As Israeli attacks intensify on Rafah, the unpredictable trickle of aid into Gaza has created a mirage of improved access while the humanitarian response is in reality on the verge of collapse