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ActionAid’s Child Protection Policy

As an international development organization, ActionAid International is committed to the well being of children and our child centred activities are based on principles of the Convention of the


ActionAid’s Complaints Mechanism and Policy

Having a well designed and well managed mechanism for handling external complaints can improve the quality of our work, enhance the trust and confidence of our stakeholders, identify areas of our work


ActionAid’s Dual Jobs Policy

Dual jobs require a staff member to be primarily recruited for an “original” job in one country where the majority (70% and more) of that person’s service would be rendered. The second regular job is


Haiti: Avoiding Another Dangerous Delay

In Haiti, grassroots communities, international partners, and the government are sounding the alarm of an impending food crisis, with potentially disastrous consequences for nearly 2 million Haitians


Governance in Action, edition one

This is the first edition of ActionAid Myanmar's quarterly governance newsletter named 'Governance in Action'.It contains articles on active citizenship for accountable governance, challenges to


DRC Conflict Position Paper - November 2012

This ActionAid paper concerns the situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) as of 28 November 2012, and articulates ActionAid’s position on recent developments in North Kivu as well as the


Tackling the Limits to Adaptation: An International Framework to Address 'Loss and Damage' from Climate Change Impacts

The current and future scale of climate change implies serious loss and damage, especially to the lives and livelihoods of those who are poor, most vulnerable and least to blame. Still developed


ActionAid’s education work around the first International Day of the Girl

The UN General Assembly’s decision to institute 11th October as the International Day of the Girl marks the international community’s political will to promote girls’ rights by highlighting the


EducationAction 24

This issue starts with an article on the UN Conference on Adult Education, CONFINTEA VI, which was held in Brazil in late 2009. David Archer sat on the drafting committee for the Belem Framework for


Transforming Education for Girls in Tanzania: Endline Research report

This report is the culmination of 5 years’ work by the Transforming Education for Girls in Nigeria and Tanzania (TEGINT) project partnership, in particular by Maarifa ni Ufunguo, ActionAid Tanzania