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Rafah, Gaza: Urgent statement from Chief Executives of humanitarian agencies and human rights organizations

We are appalled by the harrowing developments in Rafah, Gaza’s most populated area where 1.5 million people are sheltering as their last resort - over half a million of them children. If Israel

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Joint statement against the mass forced displacement of Palestinians in Gaza

We, the undersigned organisations, are appalled over the mass forced displacement of Palestinians in Gaza resulting from Israel's devastating military assault.

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ActionAid is deeply concerned about the escalating situation in the West Bank

ActionAid says: “We are deeply concerned about the escalating situation in the West Bank, where incidents of violence have soared and daily life is increasingly becoming unliveable for Palestinians as

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ActionAid statement on attacks in Rafah

“We are appalled by last night's heavy bombardment on Rafah, which reportedly killed at least 67 people, including women and children.

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Dates reportedly turned away at Rafah border for risk stones will be used as weapons as Ramadan begins, whilst Palestinians in Gaza face the risk of famine and West Bank sees punitive restrictions to worship

Many Palestinians began fasting for Ramadan today with ceasefire talks at a standstill and as an increasing number of people are facing severe hunger and the risk of famine.

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Aid system at the brink of total collapse and women give birth to stillborn babies as the risk of famine looms large in Gaza

With one-quarter of Gaza’s population being one step away from famine and more than a dozen children dying from malnutrition in the north of the enclave, ActionAid is warning that an already extremely

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“People have begun to wish for death”: Gazans starve as food aid blocked from entering Rafah, with UN officials warning famine is imminent 

Desperation is increasing by the day among the hunger-stricken population of northern Gaza, which has been almost entirely cut off from aid in the 100+ days since the war began.

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Shattered dreams, scarred minds: Two years of war takes a heavy toll on Ukrainians' mental health 

Two years since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, psychological scars run deep, threatening to cripple a generation’s dreams and aspirations.

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ActionAid statement on sexual violence in Gaza and Israel

"In the face of alleged sexual violence reported since October 7th in Gaza and Israel, ActionAid stands firm: Every report of sexual violence against women demands thorough investigation.

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Gaza: Airdrops and sea routes are no alternative to aid delivery by land

25 NGOs call on governments to prioritize ceasefire and ground-based humanitarian aid as deaths from malnutrition and disease rise.