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Fuel for thought: Addressing the social impacts of EU biofuels policies

In recent years, communities supported by ActionAid and its partners from around the world have suffered the negative impacts of industrial biofuels production projects and policies. While ActionAid


TEGINT Methodology toolkit: Working with Boys

The activities in this secion for use with boys mirror those of girls.  Boys will be encouraged to undertake similar analysis, both in classroom sessions and within the community.  In particular, the


TEGINT methodology toolkit: Working with Teachers

This booklet contains activities for use with teachers working with Girls' Clubs in schools as well as those in teacher training.  In order for TEGINT and Girls' Clubs to work, support from teachers


TEGINT methodology toolkit: Working with Parents, SMCs and PTAs

For space to be created for girls and for Girls' Clubs to work, the support of parents and community leaders is vital.  this section provides ways for TEGINT facilitators to work with these


TEGINT methodology toolkit: Working with the Local Community

In this booklet a few activities have been pickedout for work with the local community.  The majority of activities in the parents, SMC and PTA booklet would also be useful when working with the local


TEGINT Methodology toolkit: Working with Policy makers

This booklet outlines activities that may be useful to the TEGINT partners in relation to any budget or advocacy related work as the project progresses.


Financing the Future of Food: A Case Study of the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) and Lessons for Donors/CSOs

This is a presentataion Neil Wakins, Director of Policy & Campaigns, AA USA, gave on the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) at the Civil Society Policy Forum of the IMF/WB Spring


Making CAADP Work for Women Farmers: A review of progress in six countries

The Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP) aims to revitalize African farming in order to reduce rural poverty and hunger. This is a massively important undertaking for a


Politics of participation: parental support for children's learning and school governance in Burundi, Malawi, Senegal and Uganda

The Improved Learning Outcomes in Primary Schools research explores the different ways in which parents participate in school, including their interaction with teachers and within communities. 


Researching education outcomes in Burundi, Malawi,Senegal and Uganda: using participatory tools and collaborative approaches

Over the past decade, over 40 million more children, may of them girls, have attended school worldwide (EFA GMR 2010).  While this has been cause for celebration in many countries, there are