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Asia at the Crossroads

In June of 2012, representatives of over 140 nations are expected to take part in the “Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development”. The conference – scheduled 20 years after the first


The Committee on World Food Security (CFS): A guide for civil society

This is a guide for civil society organisations (CSOs) to the Committee on World Food Security – known as the CFS.It explains what the CFS is, why it is important, and how civil society organisations


Fuelling Evictions - Community Cost of EU Biofuels Boom

Over 20,000 people living in the Dakatcha Woodland, in Kenya’s coast region, are at risk of losing their homes and land for a biofuels plantation, producing fuel for the EU market. This report shows


Food Policy Update from Rome - Issue 12, Mar 2012

The final text of the VGs was concluded on 9 March, after a week-long intergovernmental negotiation at the FAO Headquarters in Rome. As a next step, the VGs will be considered for final approval by


Fellows and Civil Society Final Report

Is it possible for civil society to engage with the government in Myanmar? ActionAid has been working to this end, since 2006, by means of its fellowship programme. The fellowship programme is


Myanmar: Critical Stories of Change

Change makers are individuals who facilitate change. They might galvanise communities into action or influence an organisation to work in a different way. The change that they are part of can be


Mid-term Evaluation Emergency Response Programme for ActionAid Myanmar

This report looks at the first phase of the emergency response to cyclone Nargis of ActionAid in Myanmar (AAM).It starts by putting the evaluation in context. It highlights that there has been lot of


Building comprehensive resilience and facilitating women’s leadership

This leaflet outlines two factors critical to the success of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) efforts - the need to build comprehensive resilience and the importance of promoting and facilitating women's


Fertile Ground: How governments and donors can halve hunger by supporting small farmers

This report shows that recent budget increases in agriculture stop well short of what is needed to reverse the growing crisis of poverty, environmental degradation and hunger. This report, based on


Challenging Self-interest: Getting EU aid fit for the fight against poverty

This year’s AidWatch report confirms that EU member states are off-track to meet their aid quantity and aid effectiveness commitments, and are increasingly prioritising self-interested aid policies