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From Under Their Feet: A Think piece on the gender dimensions of land grabs in Africa

This paper was commissioned by ActionAid and serves as a think-piece to build our understanding of the gendered implications of the recent wave of large-scale land acquisitions and investments


Assessing the Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)

ActionAid recognizes the vital role of agricultural development, particularly in Africa where themajority of livelihoods are derived from farming and related activities. Understanding the role


Missed Opportunity: how could funds lost to tax incentives in Africa be used to fill the education finance gap?

How much revenue do African governments lose from providing tax incentives, such as giving companies tax holidays and exemptions on paying taxes on import duties and value added tax? And if these

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Girls being married off to get their families food, finds ActionAid report on drought in Southern Africa

It is time to prioritise young women’s protection in the face of the devastating impacts of an ongoing El Nino-induced drought in Southern Africa


Policy brief: delivering Women farmers' right

The 2003 Maputo Declaration on Food and Agriculture committed signatory countries across Africa to a 10% allocation of national budgets to agriculture by 2008. To bolster the implementation of this


Gender-Responsive Public Services and Young Urban Women’s Economic Empowerment: A report on research in Ghana and South Africa

In 2016 we worked with the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) based at the University of Sussex in the UK to conduct a research in Ghana and South Africa to examine the relationship between young


Still racing toward the bottom? Corporate tax incentives in East Africa

In 2012, ActionAid and Tax Justice Network Africa published a report containing estimates of how much revenue East African countries were losing by providing tax incentives.1 Tax incentives often


Standard Chartered- Publicised tax avoidance strategy

Standard Chartered is a UK FTSE-100 listed bank with an extensive presence across Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The bank offers a wide-range of banking services in 15 African countries. It has


DRC Conflict Position Paper - November 2012

This ActionAid paper concerns the situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) as of 28 November 2012, and articulates ActionAid’s position on recent developments in North Kivu as well as the


Walking the talk: Why and how African governments should transform their agriculture spending.

In 2003, the Maputo Declaration of the African Union stated that, within five years, 10 per cent of the budgets of member states would be dedicated to agriculture. Ten years on, despite spending