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Education Action 21

This edition of Education Action addresses some of the key challenges confronted by the international education sector in the run-up to the publication of the mid-term review of the Education For All


Climate change, urban flooding and the rights of the urban poor in Africa

This report examines the impact of climate change on urban communities in six African cities, and looks at how people are coping with and adapting to increasingly frequent and severe episodes of


Climate Change and Smallholder Farmers in Malawi: Understanding poor people's experiences in climate change adaptation

Southern Africa is one of the regions estimated to be most at risk from climate change. While policy responses to global warming have been mainly driven by debates among scientists, the insights of


Real Aid 2: Making Technical Assistance Work

This report argues that extensive reform of technical assistance is urgently needed to ensure that the aid increases pledged in 2005 result in genuine benefits for people living in the poorest


Parktonian Agreement

outline of the relationship between teachers' unions and civil society.


Education Action 20

This edition captures stories of innovative campaigning work from India to The Gambia, from Ghana to the USA, as well as creative approaches to accountability, mobilisation and transformation in


ActionAid’s Emergencies Policy

We recognise that the work of ActionAid sometimes places great demands on our staff in conditions of complexity and risk. ActionAid will take all reasonable steps to ensure the security and wellbeing


SUCAM: Critical Story of Change

The sugar industry is crucial to the regional economy of Western Kenya. The livelihoods of many poor out-growers depend upon it. This is the story of how SUCAM, a ‘campaign of ideas’ became a hugely