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Women's Land Rights Project in Guatemala, India, and Sierra Leone: Empowering poor and excluded women and fighting against poverty and hunger through enhanced access to and control over land - Consolidated Baseline Report

The women’s land rights project is being implemented by ActionAid (AA) in Guatemala, India and Sierra Leone in recognition of the hard fact that struggles for women’s land rights have not yet


Fed Up: Now's the Time to Invest in Agroecology

With case study evidence from Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia and Pakistan, and citing global studies and surveys, this report argues that agro-ecology – or ecological agriculture – offers tools that


Biofuelling the global food crisis: why the EU must act at the G20

A new report commissioned by ActionAid shows that biofuel targets set by the EU will lead directly to an increase in the prices of key agricultural commodities worldwide by 2020. And – while consumers


Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture: A Real Alternative to False Solutions

ActionAid believes that agroecology-based Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture (CRSA) is an effective way to respond to both the climate and food crisis. CRSA proposes to overcome the gaps of


Illustrations on Women's Unpaid Care Work

Unpaid care work is essential to human development  and  sustaining households and communities. However, women’s disproportionate responsibility for this work makes it a burden and has severe


Biofueling Hunger: How US Corn Ethanol Policy Drives Up Food Prices in Mexico

There is widespread agreement that biofuels expansion, with its direct diversion of food and feed crops and its indirect impact through competition for land and other food-producing resources, has


We Won’t Accept Hunger Ambassadors’ Toolkit

This toolkit and how to use itHunger is the world’s biggest killer but it can be stopped, if politicians take notice and do something. That’s where you come in. This toolkit is a key part of the We


Into Unknown Territory: The limits to adaptation and reality of loss and damage from climate impacts

This paper contextualises issues around loss and damage as a result of climate change and demon­strates the urgent necessity for a range of approaches to address it through scaled up adaptation and


From Under Their Feet: A Think piece on the gender dimensions of land grabs in Africa

This paper was commissioned by ActionAid and serves as a think-piece to build our understanding of the gendered implications of the recent wave of large-scale land acquisitions and investments


Fuel for thought: Addressing the social impacts of EU biofuels policies

In recent years, communities supported by ActionAid and its partners from around the world have suffered the negative impacts of industrial biofuels production projects and policies. While ActionAid