Legal Letter: Concerns about the inadequate consultation process on the Omnibus Simplification Package
ActionAid Europe joins other Civil Society Organizations in a signed letter directed at EU President Ursula von der Leyen and the European Commissioners to express concern regarding the "Omnibus Simplification Package".
We consider that the process underpinning the Omnibus proposal is depriving the public of its democratic rights under the Treaties when considering:
1. No public consultation
2. EU democratic principles
3. Commission better regulation guidelines
4. Facilitating regulatory capture
5. Alarming lack of transparency
6. Reckless haste with potentially long-lasting consequences
With this in mind, we urge the Commission to adhere to its own principles and to respect, uphold, and follow the democratic principles and fundamental rights of EU citizens to participate in EU-decision making processes.
We therefore request the Commission, prior to presenting any legislative proposal, to:
1. Publicly consult all relevant stakeholders, including industry leaders, civil society and public interest organizations with relevant expertise, as well as human rights defenders and other affected stakeholders, regardless of their location within the EU or in third countries.
2. Conduct and publish a comprehensive impact assessment.
Please see our joint, signed letter for additional information.