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Sreymom is a community leader from Cambodia who has received sustainable farming training, reducing her expenses.

Climate justice

Despite not being responsible for most of the pollution leading to climate change, poorer countries suffer its most severe impacts, either in terms of extreme weather events or slow-onset impacts like desertification. These effects are likely to become more severe in future.

We focus on climate justice and equity, recognising the responsibility of wealthy countries to lead rapid climate action, and supporting developing countries to cope with climate impacts and transition to greener pathways. Working with vulnerable people and communities around the world, we help them to make their livelihoods, food, homes and safety more resilient to climate change.

What we do

We work to:

  • Support communities’ ability to adapt to climate change by strengthening national plans and processes
  • Protect and financially support people facing climate induced losses, and people who are forced to migrate due to climate change
  • Pressure wealthy countries to support initiatives like the Green Climate Fund (GCF), to enable climate action and adaptation in poorer countries
  • Advocate for system change and scale up successful local solutions
  • Challenge false solutions such as “Climate Smart Agriculture”, and promote real solutions such as agroecology
  • Ensure that land based solutions respect human rights and food security


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ActionAid comments on the decision to make the Philippines host of the Loss and Damage Board

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Terrible warning that climate action has to move into a much higher gear, says ActionAid

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Climate Finance Justice Mobilisations

Climate-wrecking projects: Did bank AGMs address the elephant in the room?

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ActionAid reacts the resignation of HSBC’s chief executive Noel Quinn

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Your funding of climate-wrecking projects is robbing us of livelihoods and homes, communities tell global banks as AGM season kicks off

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Barclays' policy tweak needs to be the first step on a much longer journey, ActionAid says

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ActionAid comments on the decision to make the Philippines host of the Loss and Damage Board

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Terrible warning that climate action has to move into a much higher gear, says ActionAid

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ActionAid reacts the resignation of HSBC’s chief executive Noel Quinn

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Your funding of climate-wrecking projects is robbing us of livelihoods and homes, communities tell global banks as AGM season kicks off

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Barclays' policy tweak needs to be the first step on a much longer journey, ActionAid says

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New COP29 president has his work cut out – deliver the cash needed for a fossil fuel phase-out

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Climate Finance Justice Mobilisations

Climate-wrecking projects: Did bank AGMs address the elephant in the room?

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Oil refinery, Niger Delta

The EU's first step on climate and corporate accountability ignores the financial sector's role - much to its detriment

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Photo is an aerial view of an embroidered hand surrounded by a crowd of young activists

Climate Justice Camp 2023: A new wave of the climate justice movement

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Women hold a banner saying fund our future.

Fund our Future for a Just World

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Saafi ilan Waa Raage (left), a displaced mother living in Giro-Sumo IDP Camp, Somalailfn

COP27 must deliver for communities, women and girls on the frontlines of the climate crisis

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Dry Earth Dam in Beerato, Somaliland.

European heatwaves - a glimpse into the Global South's reality

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Image of Fatou standing among crops, looking at the camera

The Gambia: Agroecology

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Dead livestock found around the community of Ceel-Dheere, Somaliland

East Africa Food Crisis: Ceel-Dheere

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Sugow Abdullahi Abdi, a farmer, stands over one of his deceased animals.

As rains fail, families in rural Kenya face perilous levels of hunger and thirst

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Children use a boat to navigate around their flooded community.

"Shell is threatening all our rights" - Oil giant’s human rights record on trial

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 Gas flares in the Niger Delta

How Shell is devastating the Niger Delta

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Mrs. Pheong Saret planting a mangrove sapling

Restoring vital mangrove forests in Cambodia

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Ceel-Dheere Community

Doubly Devastating: Local communities disproportionately affected by food, fuel, and fertiliser price rises

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After severe flooding destroyed her house and crops, Kakoli was forced to migrate to Dhaka in order to find work.

Roadmap to a framework for the protection of climate migrants

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As Royal Dutch Shell’s shareholders meet in The Hague for their annual general meeting, new analysis by ActionAid International exposes the fossil fuel giant’s net zero climate plans to keep polluting while planting vast tree plantations likely to drive land grabs in the Global South.

Not-their-lands: The land impact of Royal Dutch Shell's net zero climate target

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Women walk through flooded fields in Buzi, Mozambique

Avoiding the Climate Poverty Spiral: Social protection to avoid climate-induced loss & damage

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Walipa is a smallholder farmer from northern Malawi.

Principles for Just Transitions in Extractives and Agriculture: Shaping energy and food systems that work for women, communities and the climate

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Flooding in Sofala province, Mozambique, once again destroyed harvests and homes.

NOT ZERO: How ‘net zero’ targets disguise climate inaction

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