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Young people at UN Climate Summit embarrass world leaders for lack of leadership

Harjeet Singh, our global lead on climate change, responds to the first day of the UN Climate Summit in New York, 23 September 2019

ActionAid on the Danone and Green Climate Fund announcements

This is a response from ActionAid to the first day of the global climate stroke in September 2019

Melting glaciers and rising seas may drive mass migration, ActionAid warns

Harjeet Singh, ActionAid's global climate lead, warns that climate change could lead to mass migration

The elephant in the room

Farah Kabir, Country Director, Bangladesh, shares her reflection on the SDG Summit in New York, September 2019

Financing development - stop dodging the big issues

Lars Koch, Policy Director, ActionAid Denmark has written this blog post about the effective ways to finance international development.

Inspired: Some observations as young people take over the fight for climate justice

Harjeet Singh, our global climate lead, writes about young people leading the fight for climate justice.

When leaders act like children

This blog by Sesheeni Joud Selvaratnam, International Programme and Policy Lead, questions why we don't see more action from our leaders and asks why we don't pay attention to our young activist

ActionAid responds to UN report on land and climate change

On 8 August 2019 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change published its landmark report on land use and climate. This is ActionAid's response.

Team Trump must not be allowed to derail progress towards preventing climate catastrophe

ActionAid responds as the U.S adminstration hosts a side event at the UN climate summit in Katowice, Poland, to promote the use of 'clean' coal and natural gas.

COP24: Governments fail to agree on measures to prevent catastrophic climate change

UN climate negotiations in Poland have lacked the ambition and cooperation needed to agree crucial measures to avert catastrophic climate change.