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ActionAid International Annual Report 2008

This report represents highlights of our work, notable achievements and lessons learned throughout the last year.


Cereal Offenders: How the G8 has contributed to the global food crisis, and what they can do to stop it

This report shows how the G8 has contributed to the global food crisis, and what they can do to stop it.


Food Files Magazine, Issue 2

Food Files is a magazine published by ActionAid and IFSN, and it aims to promote critical and fruitful discussion around food security issues. The magazine features various articles on the right to


ActionAid’s Accident and Travel Insurance Policy (Summary)

This document answers most queries about ActionAid’s travel insurance. Our travel insurance cover is only effective where the trip is primarily taken for ActionAid business. The main benefits and


ActionAid’s Complaints Mechanism and Policy

Having a well designed and well managed mechanism for handling external complaints can improve the quality of our work, enhance the trust and confidence of our stakeholders, identify areas of our work


The Rights-Based Approach

This short paper aims to explain how we interpret the rights based approach terms, and how we use and define them in the context of our work.The human rights-based or rights-based approach to poverty


SelFISH Europe: How the Economic Partnership Agreements would further contribute to the decline of fish stocks and exacerbate the food crisis in Senegal

Against a background of unprecedented food shortages, including in Senegal, this study aims to analyse how the Economic Partnership Agreements currently under negotiation between the EU and West


ActionAid’s National and International Working Handbook

This document, approved by the International Board, seeks to reiterate formal agreements and relationships, lay out a refreshed and revised understanding of these agreements as well as some practical


Human Security in Conflict and Emergencies Thematic Review 2007-2008

This thematic review is a “forward looking” evaluation: an opportunity to critically review our work so far to draw out lessons, learning and recommendations on the way forward.


Education Action 22

This issue reflects some of the events that shaped education in 2007: a critical year as it marked the midway point to achieving the Education For All targets set for 2015. There are signs of hope