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Child Sponsorship Policy (One Stop Shop version 1)

The purpose of the policy is to provide standards for ActionAid International (AAI) to ensure that the implementation of Child Sponsorship is in alignment with the organisation’s values, mission and


ActionAid guideline: Feeding infants and young children during emergencies

A guideline for ActionAid and partner organisation staff on feeding infants and young children during emergencies, covering best practice and do's and don't's.


Governance Thematic Review 2010

This review and reflection promotes lesson learning and inform the governance theme plans and work.


ActionAid International Annual Financial Report 2009

This report and the attached financial statements bring together the activities and financial position of all of the entities that work under the name ActionAid International.


It's the thought that counts - humanitarian principles and practice in Pakistan

This report explores humanitarian principles and practice in the aftermath of the 2009 conflict in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, and gives reccomendations for how to increase awaresness of the


Haitians rebuilding Haiti - progress six months on from the earthquake

Six months on from the devastating Haiti earthquake, this report outlines ActionAid's response and tells the stories of some of the people we are working with.


Evaluation of ActionAid's response to January 2009 surge in conflict in Gaza

In December 2008, “Operation Cast Lead” claimed 14 Israeli and approximately 1,400 Palestinian lives. ActionAid responded to the emergency in collaboration with local partners and communities in Gaza


ActionAid International Annual Report 2009

This report provides an overview of ActionAid International’s work in more than 45 countries, measured against our international strategy, ‘Rights to end poverty’.


The Empowerment Guide

The Empowerment Guide brings together a range of tools, methods and experience that can inspire and give new ideas to people who engage with political empowerment processes in the Global South. The


Penalty Against Poverty – More and better EU aid can score Millennium Development Goals

This year’s annual AidWatch Report comes at a critical moment in the complex and ever changing struggle to eradicate poverty and inequality worldwide. In September this year, a UN Summit will be held