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A call for EU human rights and environmental due diligence legislation

On 3 October more than 80 civil society organisations and trade unions launched a call for effective EU legislation that establishes a mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence framework.

10 steps towards a UN binding treaty with a feminist perspective

This document outlines the ten steps required to deliver a binding treaty with a feminist perspective.


ActionAid International 2018 annual report

Welcome to ActionAid International's 2018 annual report. You can find out all about our work from 2018, including inspiring stories of change, activism and human rights,


Sexual harassment and violence against garment workers in Bangladesh

Research conducted by ActionAid has found that 80% of garment workers in Bangladesh have either seen or directly experienced sexual violence or harassment in the workplace. You can read more about

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'Shifting power to young people in humanitarian action'

Drawing on lessons and best practice from humanitarian crises across the world, this report looks at how engaging young people in humanitarian action will foster better, more localised and more

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Champions and change-makers

This compilation of case studies highlights the work of young people and civil society working with or supported by ActionAid.

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The impact of privatisation on the fulfilment of the Right to Education in 7 African countries

The governments of Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda must provide free public education of the highest attainable quality using the maximum of available resources.


Multi-country research on private education in compliance with the right to education

How are private schools impacting the realisation of children and young people’s human rights? And particularly their right to education?

Collect more – and more fairly?

Long-term funding is needed in developing countries to provide quality, gender-responsive public services.


ActionAid’s Whistleblowing Policy

The ActionAid whistleblowing system aims to reinforce the organisation’s commitment to its policies, values, attitudes and behaviours. The system provides an alternative channel to other reporting