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New report brings together good practice examples in women’s leadership in humanitarian work


ActionAid International Kenya and ActionAid Denmark have produced a new report highlighting inspirational practises in involving women in humanitarian responses, pulling together examples from across the Federation. The report is free to download below. 

The report’s production is funded by the EU Aid Volunteers Initiative (EUAVI) and is a part of ActionAid Denmark’s Gender Sensitive Humanitarian Aid Volunteering (GESHAVO) project.

EUAVI logo
European Union

When humanitarian crises and conflicts hit communities, women often experience the most significant negative effects at the same time as having the weakest voice in decision-making about responses. Recognising this need, the GESHAVO project worked with ActionAid Hellas, ActionAid International Kenya, ActionAid Zambia and ActionAid Zimbabwe to build their capacity to work with, involve, and support women in protracted crises. 

The project sought to share learning and insight of what works in terms of women’s leadership, involvement, and empowerment as widely as possible. This publication presents a collection of case studies, drawn mainly from within the ActionAid Federation, to highlight inspirational practices and good practice examples. Examples are provided that relate directly to humanitarian crises as well as those that illustrate how women can take a lead role in helping their communities become more resilient to future crises and be better able to respond when they hit. Case studies are presented in an overview format and links to further information are provided in each case. 

The EUAVI is a long-term volunteering initiative for citizens and residents of EU countries to volunteer overseas to support humanitarian work. The programme provides practical support to humanitarian aid projects and contributes to strengthening the local capacity and resilience of disaster-affected communities. It was launched in 2015 and has since sent nearly 400 volunteers to countries throughout Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America for periods between one and 18 months. Volunteers are hosted by a local organisation in country during their placement. 

For more information on the project, please email Nick Ockenden.