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Lack of loss and damage funding for climate disasters will damage women and girls’ rights for years to come, new report by ActionAid reveals

A new report by human rights charity ActionAid has revealed the long-term extent of climate disasters on women and girls as vulnerable countries with no access to loss and damage funding are pushed

Tropical Storm Nalgae hits the Philippines

Tropical storm Nalgae has hit the Philippines over the weekend, causing loss of life, livelihoods, and homes. The climate crisis has increased both the intensity and frequency of storms.  

ActionAid calls for a feminist response to corporate abuse as new report exposes persecution and mistreatment of women in four communities

• A new report from ActionAid reveals shocking corporate abuse of women from communities in Uganda, Zimbabwe, Kenya, and Guatemala.
• The report, released ahead of the 8th session of negotiations of

“The climate crisis is growing, and here in Bangladesh we feel its ferocity”

ActionAid is highly concerned about cyclone Sitrang, which is very likely to intensify into a severe cyclonic storm as it gathers pace over the Bay of Bengal.

The storm is now approaching land and it

Climate crisis to blame for high rates of cholera, says ActionAid

After years of declining cholera cases, ActionAid has become increasingly concerned about the ‘worrying upsurge’ of deadly outbreaks which have emerged across the world over the past year – including

Millions of dollars set to be invested in developing an anti-racist public education system in Brazil

Today, it has been announced that 10 million dollars will be invested in a project aimed to transform systems and institutions that uphold racial inequities. 

The W.K. Kellogg Foundation selected the

New report exposes the extent of IMF’s ‘pink washing’

New report exposes the extent of IMF’s ‘pink washing’ and the devastating impact this is having on gender equality globally

Press statement calling for David Malpass to be fired as head of the World Bank

ActionAid and other organisations campaigning for climate justice are calling for the World Bank’s President, David Malpass, to be removed from his position after he avoided questions from a

Make education an urgent global priority!

On 19th September 2022, for the first time ever, global leaders are gathering in New York for a summit focused only on education. The UN’s Transforming Education Summit is a recognition both of the