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Beatrice from Rwanda straps her daughter Queen, 18 months, to her while farming her garden.

Women and work

Work is critical to everyone’s human rights, but women’s labour has always been considered second-class.

Much of women’s domestic labour, while crucial to society, is not considered work and not paid, and also affects the time they have available for paid work. Those women who do work outside the home are more likely to be confined to underpaid and insecure jobs. A number of factors affect this situation, including economic and labour policies, global corporate practices, availability of infrastructure, family dynamics and even climate change.

What we do

We focus on economic justice for women by addressing amplifying the voices of women and addressing the structural barriers that lead to exploitation: these include unjust economic policies, such as the privatisation of the public services on which women depend, and patriarchal social norms. Specifically, we:

  • Push for the recognition, reduction and redistribution of women’s unpaid work, by lobbying for investment in gender-responsive public services, and strengthening women’s awareness of their rights as unpaid caregivers
  • Work with feminist organisations, trade unions and informal labour organisations to respond to women’s demands for decent work
  • Engage in policy and advocacy from local to global levels, addressing norms and practices that affect particularly marginalised and excluded women


Given Muwana stands in her farm, her crops are damaged by the drought

Girls being married off to get their families food, finds ActionAid report on drought in Southern Africa

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Young Urban Women (YUW) and The Nurses Association of Malawi (NAM) an ActionAid Partner, Norah, a paediatric nurse

Nurses fight to provide care despite funding cuts in Malawi

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ActionAid launches first Anti-Modern Slavery Campaign, #HERSTORY

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Rahima, a garment factory worker in Bangladesh, next to a sewing machine and with her back to camera

ActionAid urges EU ministers to deliver on women’s rights and hold businesses accountable

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Photographer: Patrick Onen (A woman at a sugarcane plantation in Kiryandongo, Uganda)

ActionAid calls for a feminist response to corporate abuse as new report exposes persecution and mistreatment of women in four communities

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Woman stands in a field looking at the camera

Pathway to a Feminist Corporate Accountability Framework

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ActionAid launches first Anti-Modern Slavery Campaign, #HERSTORY

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Rahima, a garment factory worker in Bangladesh, next to a sewing machine and with her back to camera

ActionAid urges EU ministers to deliver on women’s rights and hold businesses accountable

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Photographer: Patrick Onen (A woman at a sugarcane plantation in Kiryandongo, Uganda)

ActionAid calls for a feminist response to corporate abuse as new report exposes persecution and mistreatment of women in four communities

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Women work together in an ActionAid supported cooperative in Rwanda.

New report exposes the extent of IMF’s ‘pink washing’

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ActionAid Ghana Staff

50 Million People Trapped in Modern Slavery

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A woman sitting on a bed faces away from the camera, with her hands around her knees.

EU’s gender-blind corporate due diligence proposal risks leaving women behind

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Niveen Zam’areh is a midwife working in the Red Crescent Hospital in Hebron

Access to a Covid-19 vaccine is a human right no one should be denied

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Women from the Rights Café in Bangladesh demanding labour rights

100 years fighting for decent working conditions and labour equality

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Young Urban Women (YUW) and The Nurses Association of Malawi (NAM) an ActionAid Partner, Norah, a paediatric nurse

Nurses fight to provide care despite funding cuts in Malawi

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Modern slavery

Why ActionAid is working to tackle modern slavery     

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Humanitarian Response in Nalolo, Zambia

World Food Day 2020

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Tamanna is helping her younger sister with her studies

Has gender equality been put into lockdown?

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Poster advertising the webinar

International Labour Organisation C190 - anniversary webinar

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16 days gambia

190 women on why governments must #RatifyILO190

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Given Muwana stands in her farm, her crops are damaged by the drought

Girls being married off to get their families food, finds ActionAid report on drought in Southern Africa

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Woman stands in a field looking at the camera

Pathway to a Feminist Corporate Accountability Framework

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Women work together in an ActionAid supported cooperative in Rwanda.

The Care Contradiction: The IMF, Gender and Austerity

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Mavis, a young smallholder farmer in Zimbabwe

Covid-19 Food Crisis: Monitoring research

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A photo of Mary, a farmer in western Kenya

We mean business: protecting women’s rights in global supply chains

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A photo of a Babassu woman working with coconuts

Public policies that advance or hinder rural women’s and young people’s livelihoods and climate justice for all

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